Thursday, 12 April 2018

Thursday 12 apr 2018

Hello readers,

Today it was rather cloudy, temperatures were up to 15°C, there was almost no activity near the hive, no orientation going on, and only single bees departing for flights.

Color of pollen being brought in, didn't see much, but what I saw was yellow.

I used the Buzzbox app @12:48, it told me the hive was healthy.

On a side note, I helped out a fellow beekeeper today moving frames from his 6-frame nucleus to a 10 frame hive.  Since the weather wasn't that great the bees didn't enjoy being out of the hive that much.  One found a way into my beesuit and buzzed on the inside of my veil.  I was able to remain calm enough since the bee decided it wanted out rather than sting me in the face.  We interrupted our work on the hive to release the bee, more to prevent it from stinging me than for the bees wellbeing but hey...  FREEDOM!!

Bob Out

Sites to visit - Nine Lectures on Bees - lecture one.

Hello readers, Today I'm having a look on another site that was gathering dust in my 'must browse here later' list. Today thi...