Temperatures today should reach 23°C but as it stands we're still at 17°C out.
I didn't go out yet to check the activity near the hive, but I expect it to be normal.
I'm writing a report today since I'm planning another trip towards trapout number 2
Here's a picture of how it looked like yesterday:
I did change it around, since the tube was not working. And I also left the box there for any bees that did find the hive box.
I hope the bees took to the 5-frame box I put out. If not, well... I'll go back with a frame of brood/eggs.
And if I do have to go back (or not) I'm planning on working in the hive this afternoon anyway to do my split.
I'm hoping to find what I need to do the split and am reading up on how to do splits as we speak.
But to put it simple I'm hoping to get some queens out of the deal that I can move to the trap-out locations if needed.
So to draw up a calender I should have this happening:
Day 1: Today - There are eggs in the hive + young larvae!!. - I split the hive and make sure both have eggs and larvae.
Day 2: Wednesday 16 may - the bees without a queen are feeling queenless from the get-go and are looking for a sollution - might even start creating rescue cups on day 1!
Day 3: Thursday 17 may - Check the hive (whithout queen) for Queencells.
Day 4: Friday 18 may - Larvae in the cells get fed royal jelly
Day 5: Saturday 19 may Queencells might be capped, could be tomorrow (don't check)
Day 6: Sunday 20 may - Cells are closed off for sure.
Day 7: Monday 21 may - Don not disturb the hive
Day 8: Tuesday 22 may - Don not disturb the hive
Day 9: Wednesday 23 may - Don not disturb the hive
Day 10: Thursday 24 may - Cut out some of the queencells to use in your trapouts if needed
Day 11: Friday 25 may -
Day 12: Saturday 26 may -
Day 13: Sunday 27 may - Queens should hatch (since the larvae of 1 day old will have been picked for queenrearing by the bees)
Day 14 : Monday 28 may - safetyday for hatching
Day 15: Tuesday 29 may - New Queen is sure to be walking around!
Day 16:Wednesday 30 may -
Day 17: Thursday 31 may -
Day 18: Friday 01 june - Queen should be out for mating
Day 19: Saturday 02 june - Queen could be out for mating
Day 20: Sunday 03 june - Queen could be out for mating
Day 21 - Day 31: 04 june through 14 june: do nothing
Day 32: Friday 15 june: there should be eggs (check)
Day 33: Saturday 16 june
Day 34: Saturday 17 june
Day 35: Sunday 18 june
Day 36: Monday 19 june
Day 37: Tuesday 20 june - Check for Larvae. If not, your queen got killed during mating or is otherwise lost. -> join this hive witht he old one using newspaper method. OR requeen with a bought queen.
- - - - continuation - - - -
I went to the trapout place number 2 and found some bees inside the hive. I also changed the way I trapped the bees and did it with a mesh cone again taping it up and stapling it to the tree. I must remember to sneak in a picture for you guys. So you can see how it is now instead of the picture above...
I decided to come back to my apiary and get that 2nd frame I needed (eggs and young larvea).
First off I did the split, I removed all 6 frames from the different (Simplex) size from my hive and put them in a 6-frame nuc.
There were 2 frames of Honey, 1 frame of pollen and 3 frames of brood in all stadia (eggs, larvae, capped)
So they should be able to make a queen for themselves.
I looked for the queen on the frames but didn't find her. I'm quite sure she's not in there.
I also found a frame with some eggs in for the trapout box number 2. I took it over there and put it in the hive.
Here's the video on youtube on that: (release date 05 june 2018)
Let's see what happens!
Bob Out