Weather Report:
Monday 21 may : Temperatures were under 25°C it was dry all day.Tuesday 22 may: Temperatures were under 26°C again a dry day.
Wednesday 23 may: Temperatures dropped to 22°C it started raining during the evening, heavily.
Thursday 24 may: Temperatures up to 24°C today, it did rain a bit during the afternoon and at night.
Hive Report:
My Simplex Nuc: Normal activity near the hive, the BuzzBox app tells me I have a healthy colony at 17:24. Color of pollen being brought in : Bright yellow, some orange. I did not open the hive, nor did I look inside through the windows.
My SS 1 2018: Some orientation flights in front of the hive at 17:22. The app also tells me the colony is healthy. I put my ear next on the side of the box during the recording and tap the hive. (You can hear me tapping) The bees respond with a small hiss that dies down. Now I could be mistaken but to me that means they have at least one queen growing in the colony. It's no longer that panic buzz I hear. I did not open the hive.
TO 1 2018: Shortly after 18:00 it started drizzling a bit. I was out near the trapout so went over to take a look. I could see normal activity near the hive and some bees coming out of the cone. I did not see the bees go inside the cone. Still returning bees did not seem to panic so I might want to climb a ladder soon to see if the bees found another way into the hive or not.
TO 2 2018: I last went out to the hive at tuesday 22 may around 14:30. The hive showed normal activity and there was a clump of bees on the tree. A lot of bees came out of the cone, but no bees went in. I did not spot any other enterance to the hive. I've also measured on the map how far this location is from my apiary. And it's just above 2,5 km. This means the forager bees might go back to the wrong place...
Bob Out