Saturday, 19 May 2018

Thursday 17 may 2018

Hello readers,

Weahter update:

Wednesday 16th: Just under 19°C
Thursday 17th: Under 17°C

Hive report:

I didn't go out for to long since I had a trapout to check.  The split did not have any activity at all.  I listened to the bees and there was some buzzing inside.  I did not open them up.

My hive (I call it the Simplex Nuc - even though there are no longer any simplex frames in there) showed normal activity.

Trapout number 2:

I opened up the nucleus box and pulled out the frame with eggs I put in two days ago.  There's one queen cup on there!  So at least they're trying to make a queen.
I did not check any other frames.
I did notice the bees coming back to the tree weren't looking for an enterance at all, so I figured they must've found a new way in.  It wasn't the cone.  I added some more tape once I located the little gap in between the tape and the tree and sealed off everything again.

The home owner was trying to help out and a bee got stuck in his hair.  Off course he got stung.  Not to badly I hope...

 Bob Out

Sites to visit - Nine Lectures on Bees - lecture one.

Hello readers, Today I'm having a look on another site that was gathering dust in my 'must browse here later' list. Today thi...