Saturday, 26 May 2018

Friday 25 may 2018

Hello readers,

Oh boy what a day today was...  I'll tell you about it in the hive report, where you'll see a new name pop up!

Weather report:

In spite of the forecast of stormy weather, today was a very lovely day.  Temperatures were just under 26°C.

Hive Report:

TO 1 2018:  I started with checking on this trapout early morning.  The hive I put next to the wall showed activity already, and in one minute somtimes one bee came out of the trapout cone, sometimes up to 3.  I couldn't see any bees returning and going into the cone,  All were lured into the hive.  So that looks good.  It was still cold out (12°C) so I opted not to open the hive.  If my calculations are right there could be a queen there (if my first frame took, or if the queencells I put in there worked) - but maybe she wasn't laying yet.  I hope coming thursday will be a nice day, I might go out and check the bees then.

PC 1 2018: I went out to see a movie today (Solo : a star wars story) and so I missed 2 calls from the firedepartment (they sometimes get called out to get rid of wasps, but then people don't always know the difference and upon arrival they see it's bees instead)  I called them back as soon as I could, but allas, another beekeeper was sent out.  But then, with an almost dead phone, I was sitting at the bar at our local market after shopping with the wife.  I got a call from a person that found my number on the website of his home town.  If I would be interested in collecting a swarm from his property. - And I was!  Here is the proof:

So as you can see my home project is now populated!  Let's hope they thrive and accept the hive!

No news on my other hives the Simplex Nuc and the SS 1 2018.

Bob Out

Sites to visit - Nine Lectures on Bees - lecture one.

Hello readers, Today I'm having a look on another site that was gathering dust in my 'must browse here later' list. Today thi...