Hello readers,
Temperatures today were around 15°C, although it felt higher without the wind to cool us down. Activity near the hive was splendid; Color of pollen being brought in: yellow to white (same'ol same'ol...)
I had some personal stuff going on and went to help another beekeeper so didn't take the time to film or even just look at the bees for a longer period of time.
A little voice inside hoped I'd get a swarm call, but ... nope, nothing.
I also picked up a BUZZBOX at the post-office (had to pay 70 euro's worth of taxes, sheesh)
Hoping to get the wifi going soon in the apiary (maybe next tuesday) and fire up that buzzbox.
It's a monitoring device that listens to the bees and derives from that sound what's going on inside the hive. If you want to know more, go visit : https://www.osbeehives.com/
It's the same application I use on my phone to listen to the bees, but this device is mounted on a hive and listens to it in intervals ( 20 - 60 min. depending on battery life). It sends the data over WIFI so you have a 24/7 update on what's going on inside the hive.
I'll give this puppy a testrun and if I like it I might get more... although I hope there will be EU friendly shipping by then.
Bob Out
Welcome to my blog. I'll be keeping a logbook of sorts on here to track my progress (if any) concerning keeping bees. I had my first bees 27th of february 2018. I plan on having bees treatment free and I expect to bump into some people that don't agree with my methods. Time will tell how to look back on my own methods. Enjoy!
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Sites to visit - Nine Lectures on Bees - lecture one.
Hello readers, Today I'm having a look on another site that was gathering dust in my 'must browse here later' list. Today thi...
Hello readers, Weather Report: 06 june Wednesday we had temperatures up to 27°C and not a drop of rain. 07 june Thursday small shower i...
Hello Readers, Today the maximum temperature outside was 9°C. It was also a rainy day, as a result the bees didn't fly out at all. ...