Hello readers,
In another type of blogpost, this will neither be a 'Weather & Hive Report', nor will it be a read and write article. It'll be a website I found and browse through. You might find simmilarities between this and the Read and Write posts, with the difference I'll start my blog with the link to the site I went through.
So let's get to it! Here's the site: http://www.atlashymenoptera.net/bibliogen.asp
This post will be a short one, as I'm not going to go through all the PDF files you can find on there, that'll be work for another day...
The site is a library of articles on different bee-species, not only honey bees. The articles are not translated, so you'll need a bit knowledge of languages, as there are French and German texts in there.
The articles are all sorted in order from Apoidea to Apidae and ending with Pompilidae and 'divers'. You can find the author(s) and the topic and the link to the article in question.
The site in itself doesn't give you a lot, other than being a library of articles. So when in need, you might find an answer here.
As you can probably relate, I didn't feel like going through every article one by one to fill up the content of my own blog here, nor do I have the time to do so at this moment.
I have moved a shortcut on my browser to this topic under 'beekeeping - wild bees'. I'm going to make a note in my 'to do' list that if I ever get through all the reading on my dropbox for the Read and Write blog here, there's still some reading to do there...
That's all for now folks!
Bob Out
Welcome to my blog. I'll be keeping a logbook of sorts on here to track my progress (if any) concerning keeping bees. I had my first bees 27th of february 2018. I plan on having bees treatment free and I expect to bump into some people that don't agree with my methods. Time will tell how to look back on my own methods. Enjoy!
Sites to visit - Nine Lectures on Bees - lecture one.
Hello readers, Today I'm having a look on another site that was gathering dust in my 'must browse here later' list. Today thi...
Hello readers, Weather Report: 06 june Wednesday we had temperatures up to 27°C and not a drop of rain. 07 june Thursday small shower i...
Hello Readers, Today the maximum temperature outside was 9°C. It was also a rainy day, as a result the bees didn't fly out at all. ...