This post will all be about planning what to do during my next inspection. I'll go over it hive by hive in the hive report, but first; Bees:
Weather Report:
Finally the weather is clearing up again, it's halfway may and we had some wet days, cold too. So not the best days for the bees. I expected a lot of swarm calls when the sun broke through, but I didn't get any. So sad...Up untill now we've had some good weeks very early (februari). Then after a week or 3 winter came clawing it's way back, till april. Spring sunk it's teeth in and up untill may 11th the fight was still on. I think winter is ready to give up now...
Hive Report:
Apiary one:
Simplex Nuc:If you listened to my voice for over one hour in the last post on youtube you know I already made one split from this hive. I've been looking through the window since to keep tabs on what's going on in the hive.
The amount of bees is increasing, and I feel they have recovered from me robbing some frames for a split.
For my next inspection of this hive, I don't expect to see any swarmcells, but you never know. Whatever the case, I'll be making more splits from this hive. Another 2 frames for one split, or more splits if there are swarmcells in here. If I do find swarm cells I'm thinking about taking every frame with a swarm cell out of the hive and to remove the queen from the box untill all is prepared; The amount of boxes for splits depending on the amount of frames with swarmcells; the box will get some filler blocks to return the queen into that same box.
I'll be looking out for a 3rd apiary after this split.
SS 1 2018 :
This hive also gave birth to a split. I did spot the queen on this one, so I know it's ok, unlike with the Simplex Nuc. I'm not afraid the queen was in the split I made from the Simplex Nuc, since they don't act differently in comparison with the buckfast-bees from the simplex nuc next to it.
As there are still some simplex frames in this hive I'm hoping to draw all of them. This may weaken the colony since I think they're just barely ready to be released form the filler blocks.
I'm thinking to place a queen excluder on top of the hive after removing the simplex frames (if there are no swarmcells on it) and replacing them. Then I'll put a reducer on top of that, if there is brias in there I might take it off next day and move it to apiary number 2. If not I'll just use it as a honeybox.
Apiary two:
SD 2018:To be honest I don't think they will have filled up the first box. My bees at home didn't so why would they have?
If they fill one box I might do splits depending on how strong they are and if there are swarmcells or not. If they don't fill the box, I'm not sure what I'll do, I might move half of the brood downwards to make sure they are on 2 levels instead of just the one, but only if they are strong.
I'm also kind of expecting this hive to come at us. If not, fine she can stay, but if it's too bad I might be on the market to buy a queen.
Zander Nucleus 2019:
This is the split from the simplex nucleus 2018. I hope to transfer them into a zander deep with 10 frames. I don't expect to see swarmcells, but you never know with bees.
Simplex Nucleus LL 2019:
In this hive, with 6-frames, coming from the SS 1 2018 I pretty much expect the same as I did for the Zander Nucleus 2019.
Sorry to keep it breef, but it's past midnight here and I really need to get some sleep ;-)
till next time
Bob Out!