The last of my video clips have been sifted through and there is not a lot I can use.
I did however put together this mall update that happens to be recorded on the last day of 2018:
It shows my bees flying on a good day during winter. But as you can see in earlier posts the weather did give us colder winter.
I have however seen bees fly in my apiary at home (apiary n°1) after the snow we had.
I'm excited to start the new year!
What else do you need to know before 2019 bee season kicks off?
Well, my friend and me have started a beekeeping class organised by my local bee club: Imkersbond DeinzeOn top of that I follow a beekeeping class organised by another local bee club: De Mandelbie
Both sites are in Flemish (Dutch).
So I hope to learn a few things and polish some other stuff up.
We're also hoping to go and catch some swarms together to get him going with beekeeping.
Health issues
I have had some minor health issues that are mostly resolved for now. But I did want to mention them here.
The research towards my health requiered taking some blood samples. I asked my doctor to look into my imunity towards bee and wasp venom. I got the answer back and they tell me I'm allergic to bee venom. So I'm planning on looking into immuno therapy.
I hope to come back with you on how that works...
See you next time
Bob Out